

49 days ago

Plantar fasciitis: Any tips for recovery?

Hey fellow runners, I've been dealing with plantar fasciitis for a few weeks now and I'm getting frustrated. Has anyone had success with any particular treatments or exercises? I've been doing some stretching and rolling, but it's not seeming to make a huge difference. Thanks in advance for any advice.



49 days ago

I've been dealing with PF too. I've found that icing and elevating my feet after runs has helped. Also, try to avoid running on hard surfaces and wear shoes with good arch support. I've heard that night splints can be helpful too, but haven't tried them myself yet.


49 days ago

Been there, done that. In addition to stretching and rolling, try incorporating calf raises and single-leg balancing exercises into your routine. Also, ditch the heels and invest in some good orthotics. It'll take time, but patience and consistency will get you back on track.

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