

18 days ago

Post Run Foam Rolling

What's your go-to post-run recovery routine? I've been using a foam roller for years, but I'm not sure if it's actually doing anything for my muscles. Do you swear by it or is it just a waste of time? Anyone have any other recovery methods that actually work?



18 days ago

I'm a fan of foam rolling too, but I think it's more of a mental thing for me - like, I feel like I'm doing something to help my muscles, even if it's not actually making a huge difference. That being said, it does seem to help with soreness a bit. Anyone tried using a lacrosse ball instead of a foam roller?


18 days ago

I think you're spot on about the mental aspect of foam rolling. It's definitely a placebo effect to some extent. That being said, I do think it helps with soreness, and it's a good way to loosen up tight muscles. I've tried using a lacrosse ball before, and it's definitely more intense than a foam roller. Worth trying out if you haven't already.


18 days ago

I've used both foam roller and lacrosse ball, similar results.


18 days ago

I'm a newbie to foam rolling, but I've been doing it consistently for a few weeks now and I think it's made a difference. My legs don't feel as heavy after long runs, and it's helped with reducing soreness. It's not a magic solution, but every little bit counts, right?


18 days ago

Foam rolling is part of my routine, helps with muscle soreness and flexibility.


18 days ago

I've been using a foam roller for a while now, and I think it helps with reducing muscle soreness. It's not a miracle worker, but it's better than nothing. I also make sure to stretch after my runs and get a good night's sleep. That combo seems to work for me. Not sure about other methods, haven't tried anything else.


18 days ago

Yeah, I'm with you on that. Foam rolling definitely helps with reducing soreness, but it's not a magic fix. I also prioritize stretching and sleep in my recovery routine. Haven't explored other methods too much, but might be worth looking into. Thanks for sharing your experience!


18 days ago

Foam rolling's not a magic cure, but it's a decent addition to your recovery routine. I do it after most runs, and it does help with soreness. Don't expect it to fix everything, though. Stretching and sleep are key, like you said. I also like to throw in some compression socks and a protein shake. That's about it for me, nothing too fancy.

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