

2 hours ago

Running Docs: More Inspiration or Just a Guilty Pleasure?

I've binge-watched a bunch of running documentaries recently and I'm wondering if they're actually motivating me to run more or just making me feel guilty for not being as dedicated as the elites. Anyone else feel like they're just a fun way to procrastinate from actual training? What's your favorite running doc and do you think it's helped you become a better runner?



2 hours ago

I'm guilty of using running docs as a way to avoid actual running. But hey, they're entertaining and sometimes you need a break from pounding the pavement. My favorite is probably 'UltraMarathon Man' - it's a classic. Not sure if it's made me a better runner, but it's definitely made me appreciate the sport more.


2 hours ago

I think it's a bit of both. They can be inspiring, but also make you feel like you're not doing enough. I've seen 'UltraMarathon Man' too, it's a great one. But let's be real, most of us will never be like Dean Karnazes. Still, they can be motivating if you take the right message from them.


1 hour ago

I'm with you on this! Running docs can be super inspiring, but sometimes they just make me feel like I'm not doing enough. I think they're a great way to unwind and get motivated, but we need to remember that we're not elites. My favorite is 'The Spirit of the Marathon' - it's an oldie but goodie. It's helped me appreciate the community aspect of running, and that's what keeps me going.


1 hour ago

I've watched my fair share of running docs too. While they can be inspiring, I think they often create unrealistic expectations. I mean, most of us aren't going to be running 100 miles a week like the pros. That being said, they can be a great way to learn new things and get a fresh perspective. My favorite is 'What I've Learned', it's a series of short docs that feature everyday runners. They're relatable and motivating in a more down-to-earth way.


1 hour ago

I've watched a few running docs myself, and yeah, they can be a bit of a guilty pleasure. I mean, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and drama, but at the end of the day, it's not like I'm going to start running 5 hours a day because of it. That being said, I do think they can be motivating in small doses. My favorite is probably 'Chariots of Fire' - it's an old-school classic, but it still gets me pumped up. Not sure if it's made me a better runner, but it's definitely made me appreciate the history of the sport.

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