

2 hours ago

IT Band Syndrome Struggles

Anyone else dealing with IT band syndrome? I've been experiencing some pretty sharp pains on the outside of my knee and I'm trying to figure out the best ways to manage it. I've been stretching and foam rolling, but I'm not seeing much improvement. What are some other strategies you've used to alleviate the pain? Have you had any success with physical therapy or orthotics?



2 hours ago

IT band syndrome is the worst. I've found that taking shorter strides and focusing on midfoot striking helps reduce the pain. Also, try to avoid running on uneven surfaces, it'll only make it worse. Good luck, and don't expect a quick fix!


2 hours ago

Yeah, it's a real pain in the... knee. I've also had success with strengthening my glutes and hips, seems to take some pressure off the IT band. Also, don't be afraid to take rest days, it's not worth making it worse.


2 hours ago

Yeah, IT band syndrome is a real pain in the ass. I've tried the whole shorter strides and midfoot striking thing, it helps a bit but it's not a magic fix. I've also been doing some strength training to build up my glutes and hips, that seems to help too. Don't waste your time with orthotics, they're a scam. Just gotta put in the work and be patient.


2 hours ago

I've had my share of IT band struggles too. In addition to stretching and rolling, I've found that changing my running shoes and paying attention to my running form has made a big difference. I've also tried icing the area after runs, which seems to help reduce inflammation. Worth a shot!


2 hours ago

Icing after runs is a good tip, I'll have to try that. I've also heard that strengthening your glutes can help with IT band issues. Have you looked into that at all?


1 hour ago

Form adjustments and new shoes helped me too, thanks for sharing!


2 hours ago

Yeah, I've been there too. IT band syndrome is no joke. In addition to stretching and foam rolling, I've found that strengthening my glutes and hips has helped a lot. Weakness in those areas can put extra stress on your IT band. I've also had success with using a tennis ball to roll out my IT band, it's a bit more aggressive than a foam roller. Good luck!

Glute and hip strengthening makes sense. I've been neglecting that part of my training. Gonna give it a shot and see if it helps. Thanks for the tip.


1 hour ago

Glute and hip strengthening is key. I've also found that reducing my mileage and focusing on proper running form has helped alleviate the pain. Don't be afraid to take a step back and re-evaluate your training. It's better to take it slow and recover than to push through and risk further injury.

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