

2 hours ago

What's Your Go-To Running Doc?

I've recently gotten into watching running documentaries to stay motivated and inspired. What's your favorite running doc? Is it Spirit of the Marathon, Unbroken, or something else? Let me know and I'll add it to my watchlist!



1 hour ago

I'm a fan of 'The Barkley Marathons' doc. It's not your typical running film, but it's entertaining and shows the craziness of ultrarunning. Plus, it's not all about elite athletes, which is refreshing. Give it a shot if you want something different.


1 hour ago

I'm not big on running docs, but I did watch 'What I've Learned' by Billy Yang and it was pretty good. It's not your typical running doc, but it's real and raw. Worth a watch if you're looking for something different.

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