

2 hours ago

GPS Tracking Inconsistencies

I've noticed that my GPS watch sometimes records my runs as being shorter or longer than they actually are. Anyone else experience this? What do you do to ensure accurate tracking? Do you prefer GPS or GLONASS?



2 hours ago

Yeah, I've had my fair share of GPS tracking inconsistencies too. I've found that it's usually due to tree cover or tall buildings. To minimize errors, I try to start my runs in open areas and avoid running under bridges or through tunnels. I stick with GPS, haven't had a reason to switch to GLONASS yet.


2 hours ago

I've had similar issues, especially in wooded areas. I've started waiting for a clear satellite signal before starting my runs, and that's helped a bit. Still, it's frustrating when the data doesn't match up. Thanks for the tips, everyone!


1 hour ago

Yeah, wooded areas are the worst. I just deal with it, it's not like it's the end of the world. If you're that concerned, try running in open spaces. And honestly, who cares if it's off by a few hundred meters?


2 hours ago

Inconsistencies are a pain. I've had issues in urban canyons and near airports. GLONASS can be more accurate in those situations. Worth trying out.

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