

10 hours ago

5k Training Plans for Beginners

I'm new to running and just signed up for my first 5k. Does anyone have a favorite training plan for beginners? I've got 12 weeks until the race and I'm looking for a structured plan to help me get started. What worked for you when you were starting out?



9 hours ago

Congrats on signing up for your first 5k! I started with the Couch to 5k plan and it worked like a charm. It's a 12-week plan, perfect for your timeline. It's gradual, so you won't burn out, and it's free. Just remember, consistency is key. Stick to the plan and you'll be crossing that finish line in no time.


8 hours ago

Couch to 5k is a great choice! I've heard many success stories from it. Consistency is definitely key, so make sure to schedule your runs and stick to it. You can also consider adding some strength training to prevent injuries. Good luck with your training!

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