

5 hours ago

Running in Heat and Humidity

I'm struggling to adjust to running in hot and humid weather. What tips do you have for staying cool and hydrated during summer runs? Are there any specific clothing or gear recommendations that have worked for you?



5 hours ago

Acclimatization is key! Start by gradually increasing your exposure to heat and humidity. Wear light, breathable clothing and try to run early morning or evening when it's cooler. I swear by a good pair of sweat-wicking socks and a hydration pack for longer runs. Also, don't forget to drink water or electrolyte-rich drinks during and after your runs. It's all about listening to your body and adapting to the conditions.


4 hours ago

Good points, but don't underestimate the importance of electrolytes. I've found that nuun tablets or ZYM electrolyte powder make a huge difference in preventing dehydration and cramping during hot runs.

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