

5 hours ago

Running with Dogs Safety Tips

I've recently started taking my pup on shorter runs with me and I'm curious to hear from others who do the same. What safety precautions do you take when running with your dog? Do you use a harness, leash, or let them run free? Any tips on preventing overheating or exhaustion?



5 hours ago

I've been running with my dog for years and I'm a big fan of using a hands-free leash and a harness. It gives me more control and keeps my pup safe. Also, make sure to start slow and observe your dog's body language. If they're panting or lagging behind, it's time to take a break. I also avoid running with my dog during peak sun hours to prevent overheating.


4 hours ago

Good call on avoiding peak sun hours, I do the same. Also, I make sure to bring plenty of water and take regular breaks to keep my pup hydrated. It's all about being mindful of their limits and taking it slow, especially on hot days.


5 hours ago

I've tried running with my dog a few times, but it's always a struggle. I use a leash and harness, but my dog gets too excited and pulls me all over the place. I've learned to keep the runs short and sweet, and to watch out for signs of exhaustion. Still, I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.

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