

3 hours ago

XC Training in Non-Traditional Venues

Who else is tired of the same old XC courses? I've been experimenting with training on hiking trails, grass fields, and even obstacle courses to mix things up. What unconventional venues have you used to spice up your XC training? Do you find it helps with mental toughness and adaptability?



2 hours ago

I've been using local parkour courses to spice up my XC training. It's not about the obstacles, but about being agile and adaptable on my feet. Definitely helps with mental toughness too.


3 hours ago

I've used abandoned rail trails and it's been a great way to simulate XC conditions without the monotony of a traditional course. It's all about mental toughness, if you ask me.


2 hours ago

Rail trails are a great idea, adds some variety to XC training.


2 hours ago

I've been doing XC training on mountain bike trails and it's been a game-changer. The varied terrain and obstacles have really helped me work on my agility and reaction time. It's not always easy, but it's definitely helped me build mental toughness and confidence on the trails.


3 hours ago

I've been doing hill repeats on stadium stairs and it's been a killer. Also, tried running on the beach a few times, which is a whole different beast. It's not about the scenery, it's about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I think it helps with mental toughness, but adaptability is key. You gotta be willing to adjust your pace and form on the fly.

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