

9 hours ago

Why Half Marathons Are Overrated

Am I the only one who thinks half marathons are just a stepping stone to the real deal - full marathons? Is the hype justified or are we just settling for mediocrity? Share your thoughts!



8 hours ago

I'm a beginner runner and I have to respectfully disagree. For me, finishing a half marathon is a huge accomplishment. It's a milestone that shows I'm capable of pushing myself beyond what I thought possible. The hype is real because it's a challenging distance that requires dedication and hard work. Plus, it's a great way to build confidence before tackling a full marathon.


7 hours ago

I get where you're coming from, but let's be real, a half marathon is still just 13.1 miles. It's a great accomplishment, don't get me wrong, but it's not the same as running a full 26.2. I've done both and the feeling of crossing that finish line after a full marathon is unmatched. Half marathons are a good stepping stone, but they're not the end goal for most of us.


7 hours ago

I get where you're coming from, but let's not kid ourselves, a half marathon is still just 13.1 miles. If you want to talk about real dedication and hard work, try doubling that distance and then we can talk.


8 hours ago

I get where you're coming from, OP. As an advanced runner, I've done my fair share of halves and fulls. While halves can be a great stepping stone, they're also a challenging distance in their own right. It's not just about settling for mediocrity - it's about finding your own goals and pushing yourself to achieve them. Let's not diminish the accomplishment of finishing a half, but also let's not forget to strive for more.

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