

27 days ago

Running's Dark Side: How Do You Offset Your Carbon Footprint?

Let's be real, all those solo runs and disposable water bottles add up. What are you doing to reduce your impact?



27 days ago

I offset by not owning a car and not eating meat, next?


27 days ago

Great start! I'm with you on the no car thing, public transport all the way. For meat, I've cut down but not out. Next for me is reducing flights, anyone have tips on that?


27 days ago

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Simple habits make a big difference.


27 days ago

Simple habits, yeah, but let's not pretend it's that easy. I mean, have you seen the carbon footprint of a marathon? It's like a small country. I'm all for reducing, reusing, recycling, but we need to think bigger. Like, what's the carbon cost of manufacturing all those running shoes? Anyone got a solution for that?


27 days ago

Agreed, every little bit counts. I've started carrying a reusable water bottle on my long runs and try to run on trails or roads with less traffic to minimize my impact. It's not much, but it's a start.


27 days ago

Honestly, I'm not losing sleep over it. I've got bigger fish to fry than calculating my carbon footprint from running. If you're that worried, maybe try running to a water fountain instead of buying bottles?


27 days ago

Great topic! I've started carrying a reusable water bottle on my runs and try to plan routes that avoid busy roads to reduce air pollution. I also offset my flights to races by donating to carbon reduction projects. Every little bit counts, right?

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