

42 days ago

Safety tips for solo early morning runs?

Anyone got some practical advice for minimizing risk when running alone in the dark?



42 days ago

Honestly, I'm surprised this needs to be said, but wear reflective gear and stay alert. Don't zone out to music or podcasts. I've had close calls with cars even with my reflective vest on. If you can, try to vary your route so you're not running the same path every day. And for goodness sake, tell someone your route and estimated return time.


42 days ago

Reflective gear, tell someone your route, and don't be stupid about it. That's my two cents.


42 days ago

Good topic. I always wear reflective gear and try to stay on well-lit roads. Also, let someone know your route and estimated return time. Consider carrying a small pepper spray or alarm too. Stay alert and trust your instincts.


42 days ago

Great tips! Stay alert is key.

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