

35 days ago

Setting Realistic Goals: How Do You Know You're Not Dreaming?

I'm trying to set some goals for my next marathon, but I'm struggling to find a balance between challenging myself and being realistic. How do you determine what's achievable and what's just wishful thinking?



35 days ago

For me, it's about looking at my past performances and current training. I set specific, measurable goals based on my recent pace and progress. I also consider my lifestyle and how much time I can realistically dedicate to training. It's a fine line, but being honest with yourself about your limitations can help you set goals that are challenging yet achievable.


35 days ago

Honestly, I think it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of setting goals and forget to be realistic. I've been there too, where I've set a goal that sounds amazing but is totally unrealistic. For me, it's about taking a step back and being brutally honest with myself about where I'm at and what I can realistically achieve. It's not about selling myself short, but about setting myself up for success.


35 days ago

Love that approach. Honesty with yourself is key. You gotta know your limits to push past them.


35 days ago

Honestly, I think it's all about knowing your current fitness level and progress. Look at your past performances and training. Set specific, measurable goals based on that. For example, if you've been averaging 8min/miles in your last few races, aiming for a 7:30min/mile pace might be realistic. Also, break down your goal into smaller, manageable chunks. That helps to make it feel less overwhelming.


35 days ago

Good advice, but it's not that simple. You also need to consider your lifestyle, nutrition, and recovery. If you're not sleeping enough or eating like crap, you can't expect to hit those lofty goals. And what about injuries? You gotta factor those in too. It's not just about the numbers, it's about being honest with yourself about what you can realistically commit to.


35 days ago

Love the advice on breaking down goals into smaller chunks. That's key to making progress feel tangible. For me, it's also about being honest with myself about my weaknesses and what I need to work on. Identify your limitations and create a plan to attack them. That's where the real growth happens.

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