

7 hours ago

Mindfulness Overhyped?

Is the mindfulness trend in running just a fad or does it actually improve performance? I've tried incorporating meditation into my routine but I'm not convinced it's made a difference. Anyone have any real-life experience with mindfulness in running?



6 hours ago

I've dabbled in mindfulness and meditation too, and I think it's helped me stay focused during long runs. It's not a magic bullet for performance, but it does help with mental toughness. Instead of expecting a huge PR boost, I think it's more about being more present and aware during your runs. Worth a try, but don't expect miracles.


5 hours ago

Good point about being more present and aware during runs. I've been trying to incorporate mindfulness into my routine too, and while I don't think it's a game-changer for performance, it does help me enjoy my runs more. Maybe that's the real benefit - being able to appreciate the experience rather than just focusing on the end result.


6 hours ago

Mental toughness is key, I'll give you that. But let's not pretend like mindfulness is gonna turn you into some zen master runner overnight. It's a tool, not a magic pill. If it works for you, cool. If not, move on.

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