

23 days ago

Stride length isn't everything

I'm tired of people obsessing over stride length. Yeah, it's important, but it's not the only factor in your running efficiency. Let's talk about other aspects that matter.



23 days ago

Finally, someone who gets it.


23 days ago

Yeah, people get too caught up in the whole 'tride length is everything' thing. Like, I've seen dudes with huge strides but still manage to look like they're about to die after a mile. There's more to it than just stride length.


23 days ago

Yeah, I mean, it's not like increasing your stride length by an inch is gonna make you a marathon champ overnight. There's so much more to it than that.


23 days ago

Preach! I'm so sick of seeing 'increase your stride length' as the only advice for new runners. What about cadence, posture, and foot strike? Those matter too. Let's have a more well-rounded conversation about form and efficiency.


23 days ago

Amen to that! I mean, I've seen people with a long stride but still managing to heel strike like they're trying to squash a bug. Cadence and posture are where it's at, folks. Let's focus on building a solid foundation, not just trying to cover more ground with each step.


23 days ago

Yeah, and don't even get me started on people who think stride length is the only thing that matters for speed. Like, I've seen dudes with long strides but they're still slow as hell. What's the point of having a long stride if you're not efficient with it?

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