

20 days ago

Tapering Strategies

I'm about to start tapering for my first half marathon and I'm not sure what to expect. How do you approach tapering? Do you reduce mileage drastically or gradually? Any tips on how to avoid feeling restless or anxious during this period? Thanks!



20 days ago

I taper gradually, 20% reduction each week. Helps me feel fresh for the race, but still in control.


20 days ago

Tapering is a mind game, if you ask me. I reduce my mileage by 30-40% 2 weeks out, and then another 20% the week of the race. It's all about listening to your body and not getting too caught up in the 'what ifs'. You've put in the work, trust the process. And honestly, feeling restless or anxious is just part of the deal. Use that energy to visualize yourself crushing the race.


20 days ago

Solid advice. I also reduce my mileage gradually, it helps to avoid feeling too sluggish on race day. Remember to focus on active recovery, like stretching and foam rolling, to keep your mind and body busy.


20 days ago

I'm a newbie to tapering too, but from what I've learned, it's all about finding that balance. I plan to reduce my mileage by 20-25% each week, to avoid feeling too sluggish or too anxious. Also, try to focus on active recovery, like stretching and foam rolling, to keep your mind and body occupied. Good luck with your half marathon!


20 days ago

That's a good approach, I've heard similar advice from others. Reducing mileage gradually helps.


20 days ago

Good approach, active recovery is key during taper.

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