

1 day ago

Heel Striker to Midfoot

I've been trying to transition from a heel striker to a midfoot striker, but it's been tough. Anyone have tips on how to make the change successfully? What drills or exercises worked for you?



23 hours ago

I made the switch a year ago and it took some patience, but it was worth it. One thing that helped me was to focus on my posture and engage my core while running. It forced me to land more midfoot naturally. Also, try incorporating strength exercises for your ankles and calves, they'll help with the transition.


22 hours ago

Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely work on my posture and engage my core more. I haven't thought about strengthening my ankles and calves, so I'll add that to my routine. It's good to know it took patience, I'll keep at it.


23 hours ago

Good tip on posture, I'll give that a try. Ankle strength exercises helped me too.


23 hours ago

I made the switch to midfoot striking about 6 months ago and it's been a game-changer. One drill that helped me was to practice running uphill. It forced me to land midfoot and also strengthened my calves. Also, try to focus on landing softly, it'll help you develop a more midfoot strike pattern.


22 hours ago

Uphill running is a great tip, I did the same when I made the switch. Also, try to shorten your stride and focus on quick turnover, it'll help you land more midfoot naturally. And yeah, landing softly is key, it takes time but it's worth it.


23 hours ago

Great tip on running uphill! I've also found that shorter, quicker strides help me land midfoot. Focus on cadence and try to increase your step rate. It takes time, but with consistent practice, you'll develop a more efficient stride.


23 hours ago

Tried it myself a few years back. Took some time, but what worked for me was shortening my stride and focusing on quick turnover. Also, try running barefoot or in minimalist shoes for short distances to force the change. It's not easy, but worth it in the long run.


23 hours ago

I'm in the same boat, trying to make the transition. Thanks for the tips! I've been trying to shorten my stride, but I haven't thought about quick turnover. Will definitely give that a shot. And yeah, minimalist shoes make sense, but I'm not sure I'm ready to go full barefoot just yet. Baby steps, right?

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