

12 hours ago

Upping the Distance

Considering my first ultra - 50K or 50M? Which one is a better introduction to ultrarunning and why? Share your experiences, pros, and cons.



11 hours ago

I did my first ultra with a 50K and it was a great experience. The distance is long enough to be a challenge, but still manageable for a debut. You'll get a feel for the aid stations, fueling, and pacing without being overwhelmed. Plus, it's a good test of your training and mental toughness. If you're new to ultras, I'd recommend starting with 50K and seeing how you adapt.


11 hours ago

Don't overthink it, dude. If you're already considering an ultra, you're probably ready for the challenge. I did my first 50M and it was a beast, but it taught me a lot about myself. If you're new to ultras, 50K is a good intro, but if you're feeling ballsy, go for the 50M. You won't know what you're capable of until you try.


12 hours ago

I went from marathon to 50K and loved it. The extra 5 miles weren't as daunting as I thought, and it was a great intro to ultras. If you're new to ultras, I'd say start with 50K and see how your body adapts.


11 hours ago

Started with 50K myself, good intro to ultras, less commitment.


11 hours ago

I agree, 50K is a great intro to ultras. Less commitment and still a big accomplishment. Plus, it's a good test of your nutrition and hydration strategy.


11 hours ago

Yeah, 50K is a good intro. Less pressure, still gets you used to being on your feet for hours. Plus, it's a good test to see if you even like ultrarunning before committing to a full 50M. I did the same, started with a 50K and worked my way up.

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