

8 hours ago

Fixing My Form

I've been running for a few years now and I'm starting to think my form is holding me back. I've been trying to focus on posture, foot strike, and breathing, but it's hard to make changes when you're used to running a certain way. Has anyone successfully changed their running form? What tips or exercises worked for you?



8 hours ago

Worked on my form last year, started with small tweaks. Focus on one thing at a time, like landing midfoot instead of heel striking. It takes time, but it's worth it.


7 hours ago

I changed my form by filming myself running and analyzing it. Helped me identify and fix issues. Try it!


7 hours ago

Good idea, filming yourself can be eye-opening. I did it too.


8 hours ago

I've been there too. It's tough to break old habits, but it's worth the effort. For me, it was about slowing down and focusing on quick turnover. I also did a lot of strength training to improve my core and glute strength, which helped with my posture. It's a process, but it's paid off for me.


7 hours ago

Slowing down and focusing on quick turnover helped me too. It's not easy, but it's worth the effort. I also found that running on trails forced me to focus on my form more, maybe try that if you haven't already.

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