

8 hours ago

Ditching the Extras: Is Minimalist Running for Me?

I've been running in chunky shoes with all the bells and whistles for years, but lately, I've been curious about minimalist running. Anyone made the switch? Is it worth sacrificing cushioning for a more natural stride? What are the biggest benefits and drawbacks I should expect?



8 hours ago

I made the switch to minimalist shoes a year ago and it's been a game-changer for my running form. I've noticed a significant reduction in injuries and my feet are stronger. However, it took some time to adjust and I had to ease into it. Start with short distances and gradually increase your mileage to give your feet time to adapt.


7 hours ago

Good advice. I've been considering making the switch too. Did you find that you had to change your running form significantly or was it more of a subtle adjustment?


8 hours ago

I've also transitioned to minimalist shoes and it's been a great decision for me. My running form has improved, and I've noticed less fatigue in my legs. Like you said, it's essential to ease into it and not try to do too much too soon. It's a process, but the benefits are worth it.

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