

19 days ago

Why do people still wear those ridiculous neon arm bands?

I mean, are they really that reflective? And do they actually make a difference? Or is it just a fashion thing?



19 days ago

Honestly, who cares about the fashion aspect? If it's about visibility, there are better options out there. I've seen people wear them during the day, which kinda defeats the purpose. Just get a decent reflective vest or some 3M strips on your clothes and you're good to go.


19 days ago

Honestly, I think they can be helpful in low light conditions. I've had drivers slow down or give me a wider berth when I've worn them. It's not just about being seen, but also being seen as a runner. That said, some designs are definitely more stylish than others.


19 days ago

They're a relic of the 90s, get over it.


19 days ago

Easy for you to say, Dandy. Some of us didn't grow up in the 90s and are still figuring things out. Neon arm bands might be old news to you, but they're still better than nothing for us newbies.


19 days ago

Hold up, they're not just a relic of the 90s. Those arm bands are still useful for early morning or night runs when it's dark out. You'd be surprised how much they can increase visibility. It's not just about fashion, it's about safety.


19 days ago

Who cares? Run in the morning, problem solved.

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