

18 hours ago

10k Training for Intermediates

I'm looking to shave off a minute or two from my 10k PR and I'm wondering what training strategies have worked for others at my level. I've been doing the usual 3-4 runs a week with some speedwork thrown in, but I feel like I've plateaued. Anyone have any advice on how to break through? Specifically, I'm interested in hearing about workout structures, pacing strategies, and any other tips that have helped you succeed.



18 hours ago

At your level, I think it's time to focus on specific 10k workouts. Try incorporating 2-3 sessions a week with alternating pace intervals (e.g., 5x 1k at 10k pace, 5x 1k at 5k pace). Also, pay attention to your pacing strategy - I find that a strong start followed by a consistent mid-race pace works best for me. Lastly, don't underestimate the importance of proper recovery and nutrition. It's the little things that can make a big difference.


17 hours ago

I've found that incorporating tempo runs into my training has helped me break through plateaus. Try doing 3-4 miles at a slightly faster pace than your usual easy run, with a mile warm-up and cool-down. It's helped me build endurance and mental toughness. Also, experiment with different pacing strategies during your speedwork - it might help you find what works best for you.


17 hours ago

Tempo runs are a great idea. I also recommend adding some hill repeats to your training. It'll help you build strength and explosive power. Try doing 3 sets of 5-6 hill repeats at a high intensity, with a 2-3 minute active recovery in between sets.


17 hours ago

I've had success with longer intervals at a slightly slower pace than my 10k goal time. Try 3-4x 2k at 10:15 pace, with 400m active recovery. It's helped me build endurance and mental toughness.


16 hours ago

Intervals are a good way to go. I've done similar workouts with 3-4x 1.5k at a slightly faster pace than my goal time. Also, don't forget to incorporate some hill sprints to improve your explosive power. It might not be directly related to your 10k time, but it'll help you maintain a strong pace during the last km.


16 hours ago

That's a great workout structure. I've had similar success with longer intervals, it helps to build that endurance and mental toughness. I'd also recommend incorporating some hill sprints to improve your explosive power and speed. Additionally, focus on pacing strategies during your longer runs, try to negative split and finish strong.


18 hours ago

I'm in a similar boat, trying to shave off some time from my 10k PR. One thing that's helped me is incorporating hill repeats into my training. It's not easy, but it's helped me build strength and endurance. Also, I've found that focusing on my breathing and form during speedwork has made a big difference. Maybe try mixing it up and see what works for you.


17 hours ago

Hill repeats are a great idea, I've been meaning to incorporate those into my training too. Focusing on form and breathing is also solid advice. I've heard that interval training can be helpful for breaking through plateaus, have you tried that? Maybe we can swap some workout structures and see what works for each other.

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