

14 hours ago

Online Run Clubs

Anyone part of an online run club? How do you find the accountability and support compared to in-person groups? Do you prefer the flexibility or do you miss the social aspect?



13 hours ago

I've tried online run clubs in the past, but I just can't seem to stick with them. For me, there's no substitute for the camaraderie and energy of an in-person group. I need that face-to-face interaction to stay motivated. Maybe I'm just old-school, but online clubs feel too isolated for my taste.


12 hours ago

I'm with you, online clubs can't replicate the energy of in-person groups. I need that social push to get out the door.


12 hours ago

Yeah, I can relate. I've tried online clubs too and it's just not the same. I need that social pressure to get out the door.


13 hours ago

I joined an online run club a few months ago and it's been a great motivator for me. The accountability is surprisingly effective, even though we're all virtual. I like that I can do my runs on my own schedule, but still get support and advice from others. It's not the same as in-person, but it's a good alternative for those of us with busy lives.


12 hours ago

I'm also part of an online run club and I have to say, it's been a mixed bag for me. While the accountability is nice, I do miss the social aspect of in-person groups. Sometimes it feels like I'm just talking to a void online. But, I guess it's better than nothing, especially on days when I don't feel like getting out of bed.

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