

13 hours ago

Rain or Shine

I'm still getting used to running in different weather conditions. What's your approach to running in the rain, heat, or cold? Do you adjust your pace, clothing, or route? I've been stuck to running in ideal conditions, but I want to be more prepared for whatever the weather throws at me. How do you adapt?



12 hours ago

For me, it's all about dressing for the occasion. In the rain, I wear a water-repellent jacket and trail shoes with good grip. In the heat, I opt for light, breathable clothes and try to run early or late to avoid the sun. In the cold, it's all about layers and a good hat. Pace-wise, I try to listen to my body and adjust accordingly. But honestly, the biggest hurdle is just getting out the door. Once you're moving, you'll be fine!


12 hours ago

That's a great approach! I'm still figuring things out, but I've found that dressing right makes a big difference. I've also been trying to start with smaller adjustments, like running in light rain or cooler temps, to build up my tolerance. Getting out the door is definitely the hardest part, but once you're moving, it's not so bad.


12 hours ago

Solid advice. I'd add that it's also important to adjust your expectations. You can't expect to PR on a hot summer day or in freezing rain. Be flexible with your goals and focus on getting the miles in. And yeah, getting out the door is the hardest part. Once you're moving, you'll find a rhythm and the weather won't be so bad.

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