

18 hours ago

Foam Rolling for Runners: Is it Worth the Hype?

I've always been skeptical about foam rolling, but I've been hearing more and more about its benefits for runners. Does anyone have a favorite foam rolling routine or exercises they swear by? Do you find it helps with recovery or injury prevention?



17 hours ago

I've recently started incorporating foam rolling into my routine and I gotta say, it's been a game-changer for me. I focus on my IT band and quads, and I've noticed a big difference in how my legs feel after a hard run. It's not about being a cure-all, but it's definitely helped with recovery. I like to keep it simple, 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week. It's worth giving it a shot, especially if you're new to running like me.


18 hours ago

Foam rolling's not a magic bullet, but it's helped me with recovery. I focus on my IT band, calves, and quads. It's not about rolling around on the floor for hours, just 10-15 minutes after a hard run or long run. It's not a replacement for stretching, but it's a nice addition. Worth trying, but don't expect miracles.


17 hours ago

I'm with you, it's not a miracle cure, but it's a useful tool. I roll my IT band and calves regularly, helps with soreness and stiffness. Don't overdo it, 10-15 minutes is plenty.

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