

23 hours ago

Interval Workouts for Endurance

I've been doing interval workouts to improve my speed, but I'm wondering if they can also help with endurance. Do you incorporate intervals into your long run training? If so, what types of intervals do you find most effective for building endurance?



23 hours ago

I do intervals, but not necessarily for endurance. For me, it's more about speed and efficiency. That being said, I do think intervals can help with endurance indirectly. If you can increase your lactate threshold, you'll be able to sustain a faster pace for longer. I've found that 800m-1600m repeats at a moderate pace work well for me.


22 hours ago

I've started incorporating intervals into my training, and I think they can definitely help with endurance. For me, it's about pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and building mental toughness. I've been doing 4-6 x 400m at a hard pace, with active recovery in between. It's been helping me build up my stamina for longer runs.


22 hours ago

Mental toughness is key! I've also been doing intervals to improve endurance. I prefer 800m repeats with 400m active recovery. It's a great way to build stamina without feeling overwhelmed.


22 hours ago

That's a great approach! I also incorporate intervals into my long run training to improve endurance. I find that 800m-1200m intervals at a moderate to hard pace, with active recovery in between, help me build up my stamina for longer runs. It's not just about physical endurance, but also mental toughness, as you mentioned. Intervals help me push through the wall and build confidence in my ability to finish strong.


22 hours ago

Intervals are a staple in my training. I like to mix it up with hill repeats, tempo runs, and mile repeats to build endurance. It's not just about speed, but about teaching your body to adapt to different paces and scenarios.


22 hours ago

I've been doing intervals for speed, but I've also noticed they've helped me with endurance. I like to do 3-5 x 800m at a challenging pace, with 400m active recovery in between. It's not about being fast, but about being consistent and pushing through the discomfort. Intervals have helped me build the mental and physical toughness I need for longer runs.


21 hours ago

I've also found that intervals can be beneficial for endurance, but it's all about how you structure them. I think people get too caught up in the 'challenging pace' aspect and forget that endurance is about sustained effort over time. I prefer longer intervals, 1600m-2000m, at a tempo pace. It's not about being fast, it's about teaching your body to handle the grind.


21 hours ago

Consistency is key. I do intervals during long runs to simulate race pace and build endurance. I find 4-6 x 1600m at a moderate pace with 200m active recovery works well for me.

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