

9 hours ago

How Accurate Are Running Watches Anyway

I've had my fair share of discrepancies between my watch's GPS data and the actual route I've run. How often do you find yourself questioning your watch's accuracy? Do you think it's just a minor annoyance or does it affect your training?



8 hours ago

I've had my share of GPS issues too. I've learned to take it with a grain of salt. It's not like I'm trying to win the Olympics here. As long as it's close, I'm good. If I'm really concerned, I'll map it out myself. It's not worth stressing over.


7 hours ago

Yeah, I've had similar experiences. It can be frustrating, but I've learned to focus on the bigger picture. As you said, it's not about precision, it's about tracking progress and getting a general idea of your route. And if I'm really concerned, I'll use a mapping app to get a more accurate reading. It's all about perspective, right?

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