

10 hours ago

Reducing Our Footprint

As runners, we often focus on our own performance and goals, but what about our impact on the environment? From disposable water bottles to synthetic fabrics, our sport can generate a lot of waste. What are some simple changes we can make to reduce our environmental footprint? Do you have any eco-friendly habits or products that you swear by?



9 hours ago

I've been trying to make some small changes, like carrying a reusable water bottle on my long runs and opting for second-hand or sustainable gear when possible. It's not much, but every little bit counts, right? I'd love to hear more about what others are doing to reduce their waste. One thing I've been wondering about is eco-friendly shoe options... anyone have any recommendations?


9 hours ago

I've started carrying a reusable water bottle on my runs too. Also, I've been looking into eco-friendly running shoes and stumbled upon a brand called Brooks, they have a line of shoes made from recycled materials. Worth checking out.


8 hours ago

Yeah, reusable water bottles are a no-brainer. I've been using one for months now and it's amazing how much plastic waste you can cut out. As for shoes, I've heard of Brooks but haven't tried them yet. I've been looking into Patagonia's environmental efforts, they seem to be doing some good stuff. We should all be making more of an effort to reduce our waste.


9 hours ago

I've been making a conscious effort to reduce my waste too. One thing that's worked for me is choosing routes that have water fountains or water stations, so I can refill my bottle instead of buying disposable ones. I've also started buying my running clothes from local thrift stores. It's not only eco-friendly but also saves me some cash! As for eco-friendly shoe options, I've heard good things about brands like Veja and Patagonia, but I haven't tried them out myself yet.


9 hours ago

I've been thinking about this too. One thing I've started doing is avoiding races that give out unnecessary swag. I mean, do we really need another t-shirt or medal? It's a small thing, but it's a start. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna start carrying a reusable water bottle on my runs or anything, but I'll try to be more mindful of my waste.


9 hours ago

Good point about the swag, every little bit counts. I've started opting for digital bibs too.

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