

13 hours ago

10k Training Tips from Experience

Just completed my first 10k and learned a thing or two. Biggest takeaway: consistency is key. Make sure to incorporate speed workouts and longer runs into your routine. Also, don't underestimate the importance of proper pacing. Anyone else have any tips to share?



13 hours ago

Congrats on your first 10k! I can attest to the importance of consistency - it's what got me through my first half marathon. One thing that worked for me was incorporating strength training to prevent injuries. Also, don't be afraid to start slow and pace yourself, it's better to finish strong than to burn out early.


13 hours ago

Great point about strength training! I definitely noticed that my legs were more resilient during the 10k after incorporating strength exercises into my routine. And I totally agree on pacing - it's so important to find a rhythm that works for you.


13 hours ago

Strength training is a great point. I actually slacked on that during my training and paid the price with a few niggling injuries. Definitely something I'll prioritize next time around. And yeah, pacing is crucial - I went out too fast and suffered in the last km, so that's a lesson learned for next time.


13 hours ago

Congrats on your first 10k! I'm a bit of a pace freak myself, and I can attest that it's crucial to get it right. One thing I'd add is to focus on your breathing and cadence during speed workouts. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of pushing yourself, but proper form will save you in the long run. Also, don't underestimate the power of a solid warm-up and cool-down routine.


12 hours ago

Good point about breathing and cadence. I found that focusing on quick turnover and landing midfoot helped me maintain a consistent pace. And yeah, warm-ups and cool-downs are often overlooked but they're essential for preventing injuries and aiding recovery.


12 hours ago

Good points all around! I'd add that it's essential to have a realistic goal time in mind and tailor your training accordingly. It helps to break down the race into smaller segments and focus on executing each one well.


12 hours ago

Love that tip about breaking down the race into smaller segments! That really helps with mental preparation and staying focused. I also found that having a realistic goal time in mind helped me push myself during training. Thanks for sharing!


12 hours ago

Realistic goal time is crucial. I also found it helpful to practice my fueling strategy during long runs to avoid any surprises on race day. Breaking down the race into smaller segments is a great mental trick too.


13 hours ago

Great job on your first 10k! I completely agree on the consistency part. For me, it's also about listening to your body and not pushing too hard. I've found that rest days are just as important as hard training days. One tip I'd add is to practice your fueling and hydration strategy during your long runs to avoid any surprises on race day.


13 hours ago

Absolutely, rest days are crucial! I've learned that the hard way. And yeah, fueling and hydration strategy is a big one. I had to make some adjustments during my training and it made a huge difference. Thanks for sharing!

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