

8 hours ago

Strength Training: Do You Really Need It?

I've been told strength training is essential for runners, but I'm not convinced. Anyone actually seen improvements in their running from doing squats and lunges?



7 hours ago

As an advanced runner, I can attest that strength training has helped me maintain good form and reduce my risk of injury. It's not about getting faster, but about being able to handle the demands of running. I do a mix of lower body and core exercises, and I feel more resilient on my runs.


7 hours ago

I'm still skeptical. I've been doing some strength training on the side and I haven't seen any significant improvements in my running. Maybe it's just not for beginners like me?


7 hours ago

I've also seen benefits from incorporating strength training into my routine. While it may not directly improve my speed, I've noticed I can handle longer runs and recover faster. I focus on exercises that target my glutes and core, and I feel more stable and efficient on my runs. It's definitely worth considering, especially if you're prone to injuries.

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