

30 days ago

5k Training: What's the Point of Intervals?

I've been doing interval workouts for my 5k training, but I'm not seeing any significant improvements. Is it just me, or are intervals overhyped? I mean, I'm still running at the same pace I was 6 months ago. Anybody else have similar experiences? I'm doing 4-6 x 800m at 5k pace with 400m active recovery. My runs are consistent, but my progress is stagnant. Help me out, fellow runners.



30 days ago

I'm a beginner too, and I've been doing intervals for a few weeks now. I think the key is to mix it up - try different distances, paces, and recoveries. Maybe your body's just adapted to the same old routine. Also, are you incorporating rest days and easy runs into your schedule? That's been crucial for me.


30 days ago

Good point about mixing it up! I'd also suggest paying attention to your overall weekly mileage and intensity. If you're doing the same intervals every week, your body may not be challenged enough to see progress. Consider adding a weekly hill repeat or tempo run to shake things up.


30 days ago

I think you're being a bit too hard on yourself. Intervals are supposed to be challenging, and progress isn't always linear. Maybe you need to mix up your routine or focus on other aspects of your training, like strength work or nutrition. I'm no expert, but I've found that patience and consistency are key.


30 days ago

Yeah, patience and consistency are key. Also, have you considered that you might be plateauing because you're doing the same interval workout every time? Try changing the distance, pace, or recovery time to shock your body into adapting. Just a thought.


30 days ago

Hey, don't get discouraged! Intervals are tough, and progress isn't always linear. You're doing the right thing by being consistent, now it's time to mix it up. Try changing your interval distances or incorporating hill sprints to shock your system. And don't forget to listen to your body - are you getting enough rest and nutrition? Keep at it, you got this!


30 days ago

Consistency is key, don't give up yet!

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