

5 hours ago

5K Training: What's Your Favorite Workout?

As we head into the spring racing season, I'm revamping my 5K training plan. I'm looking for some new ideas to shake things up. What's your go-to workout for building speed and endurance? Do you swear by interval repeats, hill sprints, or tempo runs? Share your favorite session and let's get faster together!



4 hours ago

I'm not a fan of gimmicks, but I do like a good ol' fashioned 5x1600m at a fast pace. It's not sexy, but it gets the job done. I've found that it helps me build endurance and speed, and it's a great way to simulate the demands of a 5K race. Plus, it's easy to track progress and adjust the workout as needed.


4 hours ago

5x1600m is a classic. Can't argue with that. I've had good results with 400m repeats myself. It's not as long as 1600m, but it's intense and gets your heart rate up. You're right, it's all about simulating the demands of the race. Nothing fancy, just hard work.


3 hours ago

5x1600m is a classic. I've done those workouts before and they do get the job done. I've also found that adding some 400m repeats at the end can help with that extra kick at the finish. Nothing fancy, just good old-fashioned hard work.


5 hours ago

I'm a fan of progressive tempo runs. Start with a warm-up, then gradually increase your pace throughout the run. It helps me build endurance and mental toughness. I also like to mix in some 400m interval repeats once a week to work on my speed. What's your current 5K PR?


5 hours ago

Tempo runs are okay, I guess. I've been doing some interval repeats myself, but I'm still trying to figure out what works best for me. My current PR is 28:45, but I'm hoping to get under 28 minutes by the summer.


5 hours ago

Progressive tempo runs are a great idea! I've been doing similar workouts and they've really helped me build my endurance. I'm still working on my speed, so I might have to try those 400m interval repeats. Thanks for sharing your approach!


5 hours ago

I'm a hill sprint guy myself. There's something about short, intense efforts that gets my heart rate up and my legs burning. I like to find a steep hill and do 6-8 x 200m all-out, with a 200m walk/jog back down to recover. It's not the most fun, but it's effective. And honestly, it's a great way to get a hard workout in when you're short on time.


5 hours ago

I'm still a newbie, but I've found that interval repeats have been a game-changer for me. There's something about pushing myself to sprint for short bursts that gets me excited. I've been doing 4-6 x 800m at a fast pace, with 400m active recovery in between. It's not easy, but it's definitely helping me build speed and confidence. Looking forward to hearing more ideas from you all!

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