

6 hours ago

Barefoot Running Fad Over?

I used to see a lot of people talking about the benefits of barefoot running, but it seems like the hype has died down. Did everyone just realize it wasn't for them or is it still a viable option for some? I've tried it myself and didn't see any significant improvements, but I'm curious to hear from those who still swear by it. Is it still worth considering or has it been replaced by other trends?



5 hours ago

I think barefoot running is one of those things that works for some people, but not for most. I've tried it too, and while it was an interesting experience, I didn't find it made a significant difference for me. I think it's still a viable option for those who have adapted to it and see benefits, but for the majority, it's just not practical or necessary. It's not a trend I see coming back anytime soon.

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