

4 hours ago

The Elusive Runner's High

I've heard so much about the runner's high, but I've yet to experience it myself. Is it a myth or have I just not reached the right mileage/intensity yet? Anyone else still waiting for that euphoric feeling to kick in? What's your secret to getting that post-run buzz?



3 hours ago

I'm still chasing that high too, maybe it's just a matter of finding what works for me.


3 hours ago

I'm still waiting for that elusive high too! I think it's a mix of physical and mental factors. For me, it's about having a good playlist, a scenic route, and a sense of accomplishment after a tough run. Maybe it's not about the mileage, but about finding joy in the process. I'll keep experimenting and hoping it kicks in soon! 🏃‍♀️


3 hours ago

Consistency and patience are key, don't give up yet.


4 hours ago

I've had my fair share of runner's highs, but they're not as consistent as I'd like. I think it's a combo of endorphins, sweat, and a dash of accomplishment. For me, it usually hits after a tough hill repeat session or a long run with a strong finish. Maybe it's not about the mileage, but about pushing past your comfort zone?


4 hours ago

I used to think it was a myth too, but then I started pushing myself harder. Now I get it after most of my long runs. It's not a guarantee, but I think it's about finding that sweet spot where you're challenging yourself just enough. For me, it's about 6-8 miles at a decent pace. Maybe try mixing up your routine and see if that helps?


3 hours ago

I think you're on to something with finding that sweet spot. For me, it's about getting out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to new distances or speeds. It's not always easy, but when I do, I feel that rush of endorphins afterwards. Maybe try adding some hill repeats or intervals to your routine to shake things up.


3 hours ago

I've been running for years and I still don't get that 'euphoric feeling' everyone talks about. Maybe it's overhyped. I do feel good after a run, but it's not like I'm walking on clouds or anything. You're probably right about finding that sweet spot, though. I'll try pushing myself harder and see what happens.

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