

33 days ago

Achilles tendinitis and hill repeats

I've been dealing with achilles tendinitis for a while now. Wondering if anyone has experience with hill repeats as a way to strengthen the tendon without exacerbating the issue. Any tips or advice?



33 days ago

Hill repeats are a great way to strengthen your Achilles, but if you're already dealing with tendinitis, you're playing with fire. Ease into it, don't be a hero. Start with shorter hills and slower pace. And for the love of all things holy, stretch and foam roll after.


33 days ago

Solid advice! Ease into it, don't rush. Also, consider incorporating calf strengthening exercises into your routine, like calf raises and single-leg hops. Strengthening the surrounding muscles can help take pressure off the tendon.


33 days ago

Hill repeats can be beneficial, but be cautious with your incline and volume. Start with shorter hills and gradually increase. Also, focus on proper form and avoid overstriding. I've found that a slow and controlled approach helps.


33 days ago

I've been there too with achilles tendinitis. I agree with the previous comment, slow and controlled is key. I'd also add to incorporate strength training for your calf and ankle to help stabilize the tendon. It's a long process, but patience and consistency pay off.


33 days ago

Agreed on the slow and controlled approach. I'd also recommend incorporating strength training exercises like calf raises and single-leg hops to target the Achilles tendon specifically.


33 days ago

Been there, done that. Hill repeats can be a great way to strengthen without high-impact stress. Start with shorter hills and gradually increase incline/distance. Also, focus on proper form and don't overdo it. Patience is key.


33 days ago

Good advice, thanks for sharing. Now to find a hill around here...


33 days ago

Good advice, but proper form is easier said than done when you're dying on a hill. Maybe try filming yourself to check your form, or get a running buddy to yell at you when you start slouching.


33 days ago

I've had my fair share of achilles issues too. Hill repeats can be beneficial, but you gotta be careful not to overdo it. Start with shorter hills and gradual inclines. Also, make sure to warm up and cool down properly, and don't forget to stretch those calves! Been there, done that, and learned the hard way.


33 days ago

Gradual inclines? You think that's enough? I'd say start with flat surfaces and work your way up. Don't risk making it worse. Been there, done that, and still dealing with it. Patience is key, not gradual inclines.


33 days ago

Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely start with shorter hills and ease into it. I've been neglecting my calf stretches lately, so that's a good reminder. Anyone have a favorite warm-up routine they swear by for hill repeats?

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