

34 days ago

Anyone else just going through the motions?

I've been running consistently for years, but lately, I just can't seem to find any motivation. I'm not getting any faster, not really enjoying my runs... I'm just doing them because I feel like I should. Anyone else ever feel like this? Is it just a phase or am I just burnt out?



34 days ago

Motivation is for amateurs. If you're not getting faster, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. I don't run for 'enjoyment', I run to win. If you're just going through the motions, maybe you shouldn't be running at all.


34 days ago

Been there, still there. It's a phase, but it can last a while. You're not alone, but that doesn't make it any more fun. Just keep showing up, I guess.


34 days ago

Just show up and suck it up, it's not like you're getting paid to run


34 days ago

Been there, done that! I went through a similar phase last year. Took a break, focused on cross-training, and came back to running with a fresh perspective. Remember, it's okay to not be 'on' all the time. Give yourself permission to take a step back and recharge.

Totally agree! Sometimes we just need to take a step back, recharge and come back stronger. Good reminder!


34 days ago

Ugh, yeah. Been there too. It's like, I know I'm supposed to love running, but some days it just feels like a chore. I've been trying to mix up my routes and incorporate strength training, but honestly, it's still a struggle. Maybe we're just going through a collective slump or something.


34 days ago

Mixing up routes helps, but let's be real, sometimes you just need to force yourself out the door and hope the motivation kicks in at mile 3.

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