

59 days ago

Barefoot running: do people still do this?

Seriously, is this still a thing? Has anyone actually stuck with it?



59 days ago

Yeah, I knew a guy who tried it for a month. Ended up with Plantar Fasciitis. Never heard from him again. Not surprised.


59 days ago

I've tried it for short distances and it feels great, but I wouldn't dare do it for a full run. Too many risks involved. Been there, done that, got the injuries.


59 days ago

Yeah, I knew a guy who did it for a hot second, then his feet got all pruney and he went back to shoes.


59 days ago

Pruney feet aren't the real issue here.


59 days ago

Pruney feet are the least of your worries. I've seen people do more damage to their feet with shoes than without. Barefoot running isn't for everyone, but it's not a fad. It's a legitimate training method that requires dedication and patience.

Tried it briefly, didn't work for me, moved on.


59 days ago

Honestly, I think it's a fad. I mean, have you seen the state of our sidewalks lately? No thanks, I'll stick with my trusty shoes.


59 days ago

Honestly, I thought this fad died out years ago. I mean, I get the idea behind it, but in reality, it's just not practical or safe for most of us. Roads are dirty, full of debris, and we're not exactly adapted to run on concrete barefoot.


59 days ago

Yeah, it's a bunch of hipster nonsense. If you wanna get injured, be my guest and ditch the shoes.


59 days ago

I think you're right, it's not for everyone. I've tried it on a grassy trail and it was okay, but I wouldn't dare try it on a road. My feet just aren't tough enough! Plus, I like my shoes too much. But hey, if someone out there has made it work, more power to them!

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