

41 days ago

Carb loading: just a myth?

I've been hearing a lot about carb loading before long runs, but honestly, I'm not convinced. Does it really make a difference or is it just another fad? Anyone have any actual evidence that it works? Or am I just wasting my time (and pasta)?


I was skeptical about carb loading too, but after trying it out, I noticed a difference on my longer runs. It's not a magic trick, but it does help with energy levels. Just make sure to practice it during training so your body can adjust. It's not about stuffing your face with pasta, but about timing your carb intake wisely.


41 days ago

I've tried carb loading and honestly, I didn't notice a difference. Maybe it works for elites, but for us mortals, it's just extra calories.


41 days ago

I'm with you on this one. Never bothered with carb loading and my runs are just fine. If you're eating a balanced diet, who needs extra pasta? It's just an excuse to eat more, if you ask me.


41 days ago

I've had mixed results with carb loading. While it didn't make a huge difference for me, I do think it can help with longer runs (>15 miles). That being said, it's not a magic bullet and you still need to put in the training. It's also important to not overdo it on the carbs, or you'll end up feeling sluggish.

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