

2 hours ago

Hill Repeats for Lazy Runners

I'm not a fan of hill repeats, but I know they're good for me. What's the minimum amount of hill work I can get away with and still see some benefits? I'm talking once a week, max. Is it better to do shorter, steeper hills or longer, more gradual ones? Anyone have a favorite hill workout for lazy runners like me?



2 hours ago

I'm with you, hill repeats are not my fave either. But, I've found that even once a week can make a difference. For lazy runners like us, I think shorter, steeper hills are the way to go. Less time suffering, but still get the benefits. Try 3-5 sets of 3-5 minutes at max effort, with 2-3 minutes of walking recovery in between. That's my lazy runner's hill repeat recipe 😊

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