

7 hours ago

Pilates for Runners

I've heard a lot of good things about incorporating Pilates into a running routine, but I'm not entirely convinced. Has anyone tried it? Did you notice any improvements in your running performance or reduced injury risk? What specific exercises or routines did you find most beneficial? I'm skeptical about adding another workout to my already busy schedule, but I'm willing to give it a shot if it'll help me become a stronger runner. Thanks for sharing your experiences!



6 hours ago

Tried Pilates for a few months, and I gotta say, it helped with my core strength and flexibility. Didn't notice a huge difference in performance, but I did have fewer aches and pains after long runs. Focus on the core and glute exercises, they'll help your running form.


6 hours ago

Good to hear that it helped with core strength and flexibility. I've been considering adding Pilates to my routine too. Will definitely focus on core and glute exercises, thanks for the tip!


5 hours ago

I've been doing Pilates for a year now and I can attest to its benefits. It's not a magic bullet for performance, but it's helped me maintain good form and reduce my injury risk. I focus on exercises that target my core, glutes, and hips. It's worth adding to your routine, even if it's just once a week.

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