

38 days ago

Competitive Running: The Unspoken Truth

Let's be real, competitive running can be brutal. The pressure to perform, the constant comparisons, the anxiety of not meeting expectations. It's not all rainbows and PBs. I'm not saying it's not worth it, but let's not sugarcoat it. It's tough, and only the most dedicated (or masochistic?) among us thrive in this environment.



38 days ago

Tell me about it. Been there, done that. The constant pressure to PR is exhausting. I'm happy just running for the sake of running at my age.


38 days ago

Amen to that. PRs are overrated, anyway.


38 days ago

Totally agree. I've been there too, where the pressure to perform starts affecting your mental game. It's refreshing to see someone acknowledging the darker side of competitive running. You're right, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, but it's worth pushing through the struggles.

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