

39 days ago

Cross-training: Is it a waste of time?

I've been running for years, but recently started doing some cross-training (cycling, swimming) to supposedly reduce the risk of injury. But I'm not convinced it's doing anything for me. Anyone else out there doing cross-training and seeing actual benefits? Or is it just a way to feel like you're doing something without actually getting better at running?



39 days ago

I do a mix of running and strength training, and I think it's helped me avoid injuries. It's not about getting better at running, but about supporting your running. Cycling and swimming can help improve your cardiovascular fitness without the high-impact stress of running. Give it some time, and you might notice the benefits on your runs.


39 days ago

I think you're looking at it wrong. Cross-training isn't meant to directly improve your running, but to support it. It's about building overall fitness and resilience. You won't see direct correlations, but it's about being healthy enough to run consistently.


39 days ago

I've been incorporating strength training into my routine and it's made a huge difference in my running. I think the key is to focus on exercises that target your core and glutes - it'll help with your running efficiency and reduce your risk of injury. Cycling and swimming can be great for active recovery, but if you're not seeing benefits, maybe reassess your cross-training strategy.


39 days ago

Agree on the strength training, but let's not conflate it with cross-training. If you're not seeing benefits from cycling/swimming, it's likely because they're not directly translating to running performance. Focus on running-specific exercises and drills instead.


39 days ago

Agree with the strength training comment. I've seen improvements in my running by focusing on core and glute exercises. If you're not seeing benefits from cycling and swimming, try incorporating strength training or high-intensity interval workouts to supplement your running.


39 days ago

Cross-training isn't a waste of time, but it's not a magic pill either. If you're just doing it to 'feel like you're doing something', then yeah, it's a waste. But if you're using it to supplement your running and target specific weaknesses, it can be super beneficial. I've seen improvements in my running endurance thanks to cycling and strength training. Don't do it just for the sake of doing it, do it with a purpose.

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