

6 hours ago

Mental Toughness a Myth?

I've been running for years and I've heard people talk about mental toughness like it's some kind of superpower. But let's be real, is it just a bunch of BS? I mean, when you're hitting the wall at mile 20, it's not like you can just 'toughen up' and suddenly feel better. Or can you? Have any of you actually used mental toughness techniques to get through a tough spot? Did it work? Or was it just a bunch of positive self-talk that didn't really do anything?



5 hours ago

Mental toughness is not a myth, but it's not a magic pill either. It's about training your mind to focus on the process, not the pain. I've used visualization techniques to push through tough spots, and it's helped me stay in the zone. It's not about ignoring the pain, but about reframing it as a challenge. You can't just 'toughen up' if you haven't put in the mental work beforehand.

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