

6 hours ago

Interval Training for Beginners: Where to Start?

I've been doing steady-state runs for a while now, but I'm interested in incorporating interval training into my routine. I've heard it can help improve speed and endurance, but I'm not sure where to start. What's a good interval workout for a beginner like me? Should I start with shorter intervals and gradually increase the duration, or is it better to start with longer intervals and decrease the rest time?



5 hours ago

I started with 200m repeats and gradually increased the distance as I built up my endurance. Don't be afraid to start small and focus on proper form and pacing. Remember, it's not about being a hero on your first interval workout.


5 hours ago

Great advice! I also started with short intervals and gradually increased the distance. It's key to focus on proper form and pacing, especially when you're just starting out. Start with what feels comfortable and build from there, you'll be surprised at how quickly you progress.


5 hours ago

200m repeats are a good starting point, but don't overdo it. Focus on form and pacing, and don't be too proud to walk if you need to.


5 hours ago

I'm a beginner too and just started with interval training. I started with 3x800m at a moderate pace, with 400m active recovery. It was tough, but doable. I'll gradually increase the duration and intensity as I get more comfortable. Thanks for the tips, guys!


5 hours ago

Sounds like you're on the right track. I'd suggest starting with shorter intervals and gradually increasing the duration. It's better to start slow and build up than to risk burnout.


4 hours ago

That's a good starting point. I'd recommend starting with shorter intervals and gradually increasing the duration as you build up your endurance. It's better to start slow and progress gradually than to risk burnout or injury. Also, don't forget to warm up and cool down properly to avoid any issues.


5 hours ago

I'm in the same boat, just started experimenting with intervals. I found a simple 5x800m workout with 400m active recovery to be a good intro. Start with what feels manageable and adjust as you go, don't be too hard on yourself.


5 hours ago

Interval training is a game-changer, but don't overthink it. Start with something simple like 4-6 x 400m at a fast pace, with 200m active recovery in between. As you get more comfortable, you can play with the duration and rest time. Don't worry too much about the specifics, just get out there and give it a shot. And for God's sake, don't start with longer intervals, you'll burn out in no time.


4 hours ago

Solid advice. I'd add that it's also important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard, especially if you're new to interval training. Start with shorter intervals and gradually increase the duration as you build up your endurance. And yeah, don't overcomplicate it, just get out there and get moving.

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