

59 days ago

Dynamic stretching: is it really necessary?

Honestly, I've been doing static stretches for years and never had any issues. Is dynamic stretching just a fad or is there some actual science behind it?



59 days ago

Dynamic stretching is not a fad! It's about preparing your muscles for movement. Static stretches are great for flexibility, but they don't mimic the movements you'll do during a run. Dynamic stretching helps prevent injuries and improves performance. Try incorporating leg swings, high knees, and lunges into your warm-up routine.


59 days ago

You've been lucky, static stretches won't cut it for most runners.


59 days ago

I'm a beginner, but from what I've read, dynamic stretching is more about preparing your muscles for running, whereas static is more for after. Maybe it's not necessary, but it can't hurt to try both and see what works for me.


59 days ago

Lucky? I've been running for decades, kid. I've seen it all. Dynamic stretching might have its benefits, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some folks need static stretches, especially us older runners. Don't dismiss what works for others just because it doesn't work for you.

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