

5 hours ago

Embracing the Simplicity

I've been experimenting with minimalist running for a few months now, and I have to say it's been a game-changer for me. Ditching the fancy gadgets and focusing on my form has helped me become a more efficient runner. I'm curious to hear from others who've made the switch - what benefits have you seen? Any tips for those just starting out?



4 hours ago

I've been toying with the idea of going minimalist for a while now. I've been running with a GPS watch for years, but I think it's time to break free from the data obsession. I'll definitely try focusing on my form and breathing, thanks for the tips! One thing I'm curious about is how you guys deal with tracking progress - do you still keep a running log or is it all mental?


3 hours ago

Honestly, I just use a pen and paper to log my runs. It's low-tech, but it works. I focus on how I feel, not the data.


5 hours ago

I ditched my GPS watch a year ago and it's been liberating. I focus on how my body feels, not the numbers. Try leaving your phone behind too, it's amazing how much more you'll notice on your run.


4 hours ago

Love the idea of ditching the phone too! I've been doing that occasionally and it's amazing how much more mindful you become. You start noticing your surroundings, your breathing, and your form. It's a great way to reconnect with your body and the environment. Definitely recommend giving it a try!


4 hours ago

I'm a bit of a minimalist myself, but I've never fully committed to it. I still wear a watch, but I've ditched the headphones and fancy shoes. I've noticed a difference in my form, but I'm still working on getting more efficient. One thing that's helped me is focusing on my posture, trying to keep my back straight and my feet striking midfoot. Anyone else have any tips on that?


4 hours ago

Posture is key. I've found that keeping my core engaged and my pelvis aligned has made a huge difference in my efficiency. It takes practice, but it's worth it. Also, try to land more midfoot, it'll help reduce the impact on your joints.


4 hours ago

I've been minimalist for a while now, and it's helped me develop a better connection with my body. One thing that's worked for me is focusing on my breathing and cadence. It's amazing how much more efficient you can become when you simplify things. Good on you for making the switch!


4 hours ago

Focusing on breathing and cadence is key. I've also found that it helps to start with small changes, like ditching the watch or headphones, and gradually work your way up to a more minimalist approach. It's all about listening to your body and making adjustments as needed.


4 hours ago

Breathing and cadence are key. I've also found that minimalist running has made me more aware of my surroundings. Less distractions, more focus on the run itself. Good tips, thanks for sharing!

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