

3 hours ago

Treadmill Running - A Necessary Evil?

I've recently been forced to take my training indoors due to the winter weather and I'm curious to know how many of you rely on treadmills as part of your regular routine. Do you find it helps with consistency or is it just a means to an end? What are some tips for staying motivated on the 'ill?



3 hours ago

I'm not a huge fan of treadmills, but they're a necessary evil during harsh weather. I try to make it more engaging by watching TV shows or listening to podcasts. It's not the same as outdoor running, but it's better than nothing. I also find that having a structured workout plan helps me stay on track.


2 hours ago

Structured workout plans are key. I also like to mix it up with incline and speed changes to keep things interesting. And yeah, TV shows or podcasts are a must for me too. Anything to distract from the monotony of running in place.


3 hours ago

I'm with you, treadmill running isn't my favorite either. But it's a great way to get in a run when the weather isn't cooperating. I've found that creating a playlist or listening to music helps me stay motivated. It's not the same as running outdoors, but it's better than skipping a run.


2 hours ago

Music is a great tip! I also find that setting specific goals for my treadmill runs, like hitting a certain pace or distance, helps me stay focused and motivated. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing.


3 hours ago

I've been using a treadmill for a few weeks now due to the weather and I gotta say, it's not my favorite. But it's better than nothing. I try to mix it up by changing the incline and pace to keep it interesting. I also set specific goals for each session, like hitting a certain distance or pace, to keep myself motivated. It's not ideal, but it's better than skipping a run altogether.


3 hours ago

I'm with you, treadmill running is a necessary evil. I've been doing it for years, and it's all about mental toughness. I set specific goals for each session, like you, and focus on the fact that it's better than not running at all. It's not ideal, but it's part of the game.


3 hours ago

I'm with you, treadmill running isn't ideal, but it's necessary during the winter months. I also mix it up by changing the incline and pace to avoid boredom. Setting specific goals for each session is a great tip, it helps me stay focused and motivated. Let's just get through this winter, and we'll be back to running outdoors in no time.


3 hours ago

I use the treadmill as a supplement to outdoor runs. It's not ideal, but it helps with consistency. I focus on intervals and hill repeats to make it more challenging.


2 hours ago

Intervals and hill repeats are great ways to make treadmill runs more engaging. I also find that having a TV show or podcast to listen to helps the time pass.

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