

4 hours ago

Half Marathon Training for a Beginner

I'm thinking of signing up for my first half marathon and I'm not sure where to start with training. I've been running 3 times a week, but I've only been doing 3-5 miles at a time. Does anyone have a good beginner's plan they can recommend? How many weeks out from the race should I start training specifically for the half marathon? Any advice is appreciated!



4 hours ago

Congrats on considering your first half marathon! I'm in a similar boat, started with short distances and working my way up. I'd recommend checking out Hal Higdon's beginner plans, they're pretty straightforward and easy to follow. As for when to start, I'd say 12-16 weeks out from the race is a good time to start a dedicated training plan. That'll give you time to build up your endurance and avoid burnout. Good luck!


4 hours ago

Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely check out Hal Higdon's plans. 12-16 weeks sounds like a good timeframe to me, I don't want to rush into it. Did you find it helpful to have a structured plan or did you prefer to just listen to your body and adjust as needed?

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