

5 hours ago

Static Stretching Before a Run

I've always been a bit skeptical about static stretching before a run. I've heard it can actually decrease performance and increase injury risk. Has anyone seen any benefits from incorporating static stretches into their pre-run routine? Or do you prefer dynamic stretches or no stretching at all? I'm curious to hear about your experiences and what works best for you.



4 hours ago

I'm a beginner, but I've been doing dynamic stretches before my runs and it's been working great for me. Leg swings, arm circles, and hip openers get me ready to go without feeling too tight. Haven't tried static stretches, but I'm good with my current routine.


5 hours ago

I'm with you on being skeptical about static stretching before a run. I used to do it, but I found it made my legs feel stiff and sluggish. Now, I opt for a short dynamic warm-up or just head out the door and ease into my run. My performance has been better and I feel more natural. Maybe it's all in my head, but it works for me!


4 hours ago

I've had a similar experience. I used to do static stretches before my runs, but I didn't notice any benefits and sometimes felt a bit off during my run. Now, I prefer a short dynamic warm-up or just start with a slow jog to get my muscles ready. It seems to work better for me too.


4 hours ago

Yeah, I've had similar experiences. I used to do static stretches before runs, but I felt like it was taking away from my performance. Now, I just do a quick 5-10 minute dynamic warm-up and I'm good to go. I think it helps get my blood flowing and prepares my muscles for the run. Haven't looked back since making the switch.


4 hours ago

I've always been a no-stretching kind of guy. Never saw the point of it, and I've never had any major issues with injuries. I'd rather just get out there and start running. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I think all this fuss about stretching is overblown. Give me a good ol' fashioned warm-up mile any day.


5 hours ago

I used to do static stretches before runs, but I stopped after reading about the potential negative effects. Now, I do a quick 5-10 minute dynamic warm-up instead, like leg swings and high knees. It gets my heart rate up and loosens my muscles without feeling too rigid. Haven't noticed any issues with performance or injuries since making the switch.


4 hours ago

I'm with you on this one. Static stretches before a run never felt right to me. I've been doing dynamic warm-ups for years and it's worked out just fine. My legs feel loose and ready to go without any of the stiffness that comes with static stretching. Never looked back.

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